The ultimate homecare for private pay patients
You can now have our undivided Attencia®

Craft your ideal care experience
Attencia® is Americare’s dedicated private pay division,
designed to give you even more control over your homecare
options. Fully accredited, Attencia® ensures unparalleled
customization with the assurance of Americare’s renowned
excellence in care.
The Attencia® care commitment

We provide a compassionate companion who's not just there for daily needs but also for life's moments — from doctor's appointments to family events. They're trained to be a part of your life, offering steady support and engaging interaction.

Continuity of services
You’ll experience seamless care that coordinates smoothly with your other insurance coverages. We ensure that the care you receive is consistent and uninterrupted, adapting seamlessly to your life's rhythm.

Peace of mind
Attencia® makes it possible for family members — especially those living at a distance — to enjoy the freedom to go about their daily lives without guilt or chronic worry for the happiness of their loved one.
Our staff says it best
Backed by Americare’s trusted legacy

Unmatched excellence
We are consistently rated one of the
top providers by CMS, a government
body which rates home healthcare

Extensive experience
With over 40 years of dedicated
service, we have honed our approach
and developed a deep understanding
of the unique needs of our patients.

Cultural diversity
Our culturally diverse team allows us to
serve a broad range of communities
effectively, offering personalized care
in a manner that is culturally sensitive
and fluent in the patient's language.

Genuine compassion
Compassion is the bedrock of all we
do. We understand your challenges
and offer comfort and guidance when
you need it most.